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Corporate Culture
Home > Corporate Culture > Philosophy
  Customers' Satisfaction

Recognition and trust our customers, contribute to the success of JCU. We pay much attention to the suggestion from customers, know the trend of battery industy, offer products and service which can be helpful for the competitiveness of our partners.

  Value creation
  We expect our customers to be profitable through our cooperation, leading them to a long-term rewarding partner-ship.
  Employees’ development
  The development of JCU finds its roots in the motivation of united effective employees. The company sets up a safe, reliable and open-minded working environment for its employees, and also encourages self-improvement.
Add: Xinmin Industrial Zone, Lile Town, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China.
Tel: +86-750-3626309 3633189 Fax: +86-750-3626202 Postcode: 529060 Email: jacky.luk@cnjcu.com
奉化市| 彭泽县| 永福县| 安泽县| 红安县| 准格尔旗| 长春市| 龙川县| 阳原县| 芜湖市| 仪陇县| 新平| 长子县| 克山县| 龙门县| 博白县| 兖州市| 新民市| 泽州县| 惠州市| 西畴县| 恭城| 兰考县| 靖西县| 巧家县| 固阳县| 广东省| 青铜峡市| 安丘市| 大港区| 外汇| 永年县| 南溪县| 吴川市| 广德县| 措勤县| 崇仁县| 乌拉特中旗| 平潭县| 汕头市| 珠海市|