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JCU Establishes Harmonious Culture And Constructs Harmonious Corporation

JCU got g big development and became a famous corporation in the past decade. And the staff here made an indelible contribution. President Tian said that we should think much of the staff and do our best to them. On in this way can both the staff and company develop well.

Our company set up the goal to construct the harmonious corporation and try our best to achieve it. Until now, we raised workers’ salary and helped their children entering local schools. We also held birthday parties for workers.

At the future, we will do more things for workers to make a harmonious atmosphere in our company. We also hope our workers provide great ideas to help us do better. We believe that both our worker and company work together and the goal will come true soon.

Add: Xinmin Industrial Zone, Lile Town, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China.
Tel: +86-750-3626309 3633189 Fax: +86-750-3626202 Postcode: 529060 Email: jacky.luk@cnjcu.com
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